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A Study on Appeal System according to Disciplinary Punishment of Police Officers  

Kim, Sang-Woon (대구가톨릭대학교 경찰행정학과)
Choi, Hung-Cheol (위덕대학교 사이버경찰보안학과)
Publication Information
Police officers interact with the citizen a lot, they have high possibility of corruption, graft, and conflict with the citizen. The Police have governmental authority and regulation right, which requires police officers to have high ethical consciousness. because of this, disciplinary action upon them has higher standard. According to the actual statistical data between 2008 and 2012, showed that only 801 police officers were disciplined in 2008. But in 2009, average 1,100 police officers were disciplined. To solve the problem of unreasonable discipline, government is enforcing an Appeal System. Appeal system is a special system which allows government employees to make a formal objection against unfavorable discipline. Through Appeal system, many police officers were saved from being disciplined. Discipline given to the police officers were decided to be invalid, or to be reducted. The data showed that approximately 25% of police officers were saved by this system. As a research was done about a correlation between disciplinary policy and entreaty, correlation between entreaty quotation and working department, to look in to the correlation between discipline and appeal system. The result showed that certain characteristic existed depending on the substance.
Police Officers; Disciplinary Punishment; Appeal System; Appeals Commission;
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  • Reference
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