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Suggestions for Improvement of Youth Internet Regulation: Focusing on Youth Internet Regulation of the Major Country  

Song, Eun-Ji (중앙대학교 첨단영상대학원)
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Advanced digital environment, ease of life would bring significant benefits, but rather indiscriminate access to information have occurred new social problems. Especially the youth and children using the Internet to increase in population resulting from harmful information on the Internet, concerns about the negative impact increases establish policies for the protection of youth and children emphasizes the importance of various activities international community. Despite major countries aim to self-regulation minimize the direct regulation through collaboration with the private sector cultivation and campaign, continuing education, Korea was analyzed that implement direct and coercive enforcement regulations such as 'internet game shut down' and insufficient social infrastructure to create activities. Therefore, in order to create a positive internet environment, self-regulation is essential with private experts and organizations based on cooperation and indirect regulation.
Youth Internet Regulation; Internet Regulation Laws; Internet Access of Youth;
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  • Reference
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