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Development Direction and Analysis on Current Usage of the Museum Concept in Korea  

Oh, Jung-Shim (한국외국어대학교 글로벌문화콘텐츠연구센터)
Publication Information
This study aims to examine the problems that a museum is typically understood as one of cultural facilities in Korea and this phenomenon has been caused from the continued use of the concept of a museum that the Japanese government-general made and indoctrinated. Furthermore, it aims to suggest a new development way of museums through planning the concept of a museum using the concept of contents. Chapter 2 explains a definition of the museum concept and the process of developing from a facility into an institution in modern times. Chapter 3 examines the Korean administrator's perception of a museum on the basis of the concept of a facility and this state stems from habits indoctrinated during the Japanese colonial period. Lastly, chapter 4 examines recent changes of museum concepts under the influence of globalism, post-modernism and the development of digital technology and suggests a development plan of a futuristic museum through planning the concept of a museum using the contents.
Museum Concept; Post-modern Museum; Institution and Facility; Contents; Office of the Royal Garden;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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