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Two Contrasting Views of Film Directors on Human Nature: A Reflection on Films by Lee Chang-Dong and Im Sang-Soo  

Ryoo, Hoon (성결대학교 연극영화학부)
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Film is all about people. Characters in films represent the worldviews and perspectives on "people" of film directors. Lee Chang-Dong, Lim Sang-Soo, These are the directors who concentrate on "persona" in their films, but in turn, they see it at unique and distinctive angles. Director Lee Chang-Dong seeks for innocence as the core of humanity and hopes to recover it in his films. On the other hand, director Lim Sang-Soo keeps his sarcastic and nihilistic stances towards human nature, claiming that we are just mere beings who "happen to" be living and staying at our time in history. This paper examines the contrasting views on 'human nature' of the two directors, which are uniquely explored in the films , of Lee Chang-dong and , , of Lim Sang-soo respectively. What is the true human nature that each of these two directors wants to imbue his films with and how different are their perspectives?
Lee Chang-Dong; Im Sang-Soo; ; ; ; ; ; Human; Innocence; Sarcasm; Nihilism;
연도 인용수 순위
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