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The Improvement Discussion of "Guns, Swords, Explosives, etc. Control Act" for the Promotion of Explosives Safety  

Lee, Sang Won (용인대학교 경찰행정학과)
Kim, Jung Gyu (남부대학교 경찰행정학과)
Publication Information
Explosive substances requires much effort for safety management because of the basically risk. The risk of explosives is increasing actually explosives accidents and crimes have been occured repeatedly and explosives used IED(Improvised explosive device) or roadside bomb recently. South Korea's basic legislation on the management of explosives is "guns, swords, explosives control Act" was enacted in 1961 as many amendments have been made. However, the Act has increased complexity gradually because of the technical expertise of explosives such as the development of new techniques. This study examines the historical background of Korea's explosives management and considers enactment amendments and propose measures to improve of explosives management Act.
Guns, Swords, Explosives etc. Control Act; Explosive Safety Management; Industrial Explosives; History of Explosive;
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  • Reference
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