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Study on the User Experience Design for Emotional Marketing in an Transmedia Environment  

Huh, Jin (JLAB)
Publication Information
The expansion of media is in close connection with the expansion of awareness. The invention of characters enabled mankind to cross over time and space. Machines led to the development of body functions and electricity led to the expansion of space and time. Computers are the extension of the human brain and the advent of the internet led to the expansion of relationships. Even at this moment, media is unremittingly progressing like a spread of a mutant virus, and has resulted in fusion and complex phenomena such as convergence and hybrid media. Transmedia is a compound word formed by the word "Trans" which means traverse, transcend, penetrate or change, and the word "Media" and has the meaning "media which transcends media" which embraces all of modern day media. However, unlike other fusion or complex media, it is different in that it is not a combination of technologies but a combination of technology and emotion. Thus, transmedia should be recognized as a form of media that carries a significant meaning from the user experience aspect as it must simultaneously satisfy both "emotional awareness", which appeals to the human emotion, and "conscious awareness" of mankind, which arises out of the digital technology considered to be important in the smart-era society. This study first examines the concept of transmedia, and then examines the role of user experience design which triggers conscious thinking and strategies for emotional marketing. This study aims to be recognized as a matter for consideration with respect to the development stage for the establishment of a steady communication relationship between developers and designers, as well as communication with users.
Transmedia; User Experience Design; Emotional Marketing;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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