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Creative Photographs of Daegu·Gyeongbuk Province in 1930's-50's  

Kim, Tae-Wook (영남대학교 미학미술사학과)
Publication Information
Early photography history of Daegu, Gyeongbuk Province, Gyebok Choi were taken a lots of prizes of famous contest and known to the nationwide in 1930's and then his photos became an example of salon photography. And his documents of Mt. Baekdu & Dokdo in 1940's was the outcome of self-consciousness. Wangsam Koo proposed the realism of the photo. He saw, the base of photos should be reflected the lives of people of the times and the characteristics of the period, and he had great influence to the history of Korea photography with his own unique vision. These photos and theories accomplished a photo aesthetic to Korea photo history in 1940's. Besides it had been the national spirit at Youngnam province in the early 20th century.
Salon Photography; Local Color; Document; Realism; Choi Gyebok; Koo Wangsam; Daegu.Gyeongbuk;
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  • Reference
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