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Aesthetic Category in Korean Traditional Dance, Mat & Meot  

Ko, Kyung-Hee (한국체육대학교)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to investigate the mechanism on how the aesthetic consciousness of "Mat" and "Meot" of Korean dance is realized with the analysis of aesthetic meaning and value found in the aesthetic experience of Korean dance, and also the aesthetic concept and consciousness of Korean Studies. First, "the aesthetic consciousness of endless life theory" is from the curved motion, which is one of the basic principle of Korean dance, and is to be sublimated to the aesthetic consciousness of "Mat" and "Meot". The life theory of the Korean dance is to be cleary realized by the curved movement aiming the Circle, which is the important principle of movement for feeling aesthetic consciousness of "Mat" and "Meot". But, the Korean dance movement has been affected to follow the Straight motion frequently in recent days rather than the Curved motion due to the influence of the Western style movement. This makes difficult to find aesthetical sense of "Mat" and "Meot". So, it is very crucial to keep and improve the Curved motion in the Korean dance for protecting and developing aesthetic consciousness of "Mat" and "Meot", the unique feature of the Korean dance. And the continuos effort and plan of Korean dancer is also needed to make the Mind and the Body coexist each other. Furthermore, the research on this aesthetic consciousness of "Mat" and "Meot" of the Korean dance should be kept going.
Korean Traditional Dance; Aesthetic Consciousness; Mat; Meot; Life Theory; Curve;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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