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Improve the Administrative Death Investigation System  

Kim, Heon-Jin (공군사관학교 국제관계학과)
Publication Information
Current Administrative Death investigation system is have many problems. Almost local governor don't exercise about administrative death investigation authority. Thus, prosecutors have to many decisions about judicial death investigation authority. Consequently, these vicious cycle is repeated. There is not clear regulations about scope for judicial death investigation. Discussed in this paper improve the Administrative Death investigation system are as follows : First, the uniform act of death investigation is have to legislated. Second, the scope for death investigation is clearly legalized. Medical examiner is must administrative death investigation according to the law. Also prosecutor can order to judicial autopsy to medic examiner. Third, Administrative Death investigation rules should be clarified. Introduce a Medical Examiner System Korean Administrative Death Investigation system centered on prosecutor and judicature who are not a specialist in pathology or forensic medicine. Lacking in professional understanding cause less accuracy of Administrative Death Investigation. To overcome limitations and problems of our Administrative Death Investigation system is suggested to introduce a Medical Examiner system.
Death Investigation; Administrative Death Investigation; Judicial Death Investigation; Medical Examiner; Coroner;
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  • Reference
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