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The Effects of Entrepreneurship of Real Estate Broker's on Performance: Moderating Effect of Entrepreneurship Education  

Cho, Jun-Hee (목원대학교 경영학과)
Kim, Chul-Joong (홍익대학교 경영학부)
Publication Information
This study analyzed the effect of entrepreneurship of real estate broker's on subjective performance, and confirmed if a entrepreneurship education between them has moderating effects. The research results of the analysis are as follows. First, needs for achievement and risk taking of real estate brokerage were significant with subjective performance, which is the dependent variable, and it was shown as the positive (+) direction. This means entrepreneur factors of high needs for achievement or submitting to risk preference have a significant effect in subjective performance. Second, moderating effect of a business school was only shown in needs for achievement. As a result of analysis after classifying it into two groups according to completion status of a entrepreneurship education, it was shown the group that took a entrepreneurship education has higher beta(${\beta}$) than the group that did not take a entrepreneurship education. In other words, real estate brokerage who took a entrepreneurship education shows increase in needs for achievement, which is the entrepreneur factor. This signifies a business school has a positive effect in subjective performance. Third, as a result of t-test for completion status of a entrepreneurship education and financial performance, it was shown the group that took a entrepreneurship education showed higher average of sales and net income than the group that did not take a entrepreneurship education. The net income, in particular, showed about the double difference.
Real Estate Broker's; Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship Education;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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