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Individual, Social Factors, and Experience after School Dropout: Differences between Delinquent and Non-delinquent Dropout Youth  

Kim, Sun-Ah (숭실사이버대학교 사회복지학과)
Publication Information
The current study investigated delinquent school- dropout adolescents and general dropouts' differences in individual, social factors and experiences after school dropout. Data was collected through a nationwide survey(N=209) from dropout adolescents. Findings reveal that gender, age, disabilities, work experience parent cohabitation, and residential area were significant in the individual factor. Dropout time, social agency, school return experience, and GED exam pass were significant in the social factors. Groups showed differences in experiences after dropout, and self evaluation while the general group had needs for vocational education. Dropouts wanted to go back to school. Implications such as focusing on differences of each group and developing various education system and policies are needed. Limitations and implications of the study are discussed.
School Dropout; Delinquent Adolescent; Social Resource; Experience After Dropout; Prevention;
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연도 인용수 순위
  • Reference
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