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Effect of the Career Women's Leadership Competences on the Job and Organization Life Satisfaction and the Willing to the Career Path Development  

Park, Min-Ah (나이스 R&C 주식회사)
Publication Information
This study on the (employment) women's leadership competencies was tested with career paths development and job and organizational life satisfaction. The hypotheses and research model were set based on previous studies. To the total 250 samples(;employed and married women) were on survey about leadership competencies, career paths development, and job and organizational life satisfaction. And then, Frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, and structural equation modeling were carried out of the validity verification. Amos7.0 and Spss15.0 were used for statistical processing of results on surveys. One of the major results in this study, the (employment) women's leadership competencies in both job and organizational life satisfaction and career paths development had positive influence. In particular, it was found that job and organizational life satisfaction was operated as a parameter into career paths development.
Women; Career; Leadership Competency; Job Satisfaction; Career Paths;
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