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Strategies of Local Terrestrial Broadcasting Companies since the Introduction of Comprehensive Programming Channels  

Jeong, Jong-Geon (충남대학교 언론정보학과)
Publication Information
This study looked into coping strategies of local terrestrial broadcasting companies in the media market, since the introduction of comprehensive programming channels was confirmed. Local terrestrial broadcasting companies vulnerable to market competitiveness are driven more out to the difficulty of survival in a limited advertising market with the advent of comprehensive programming channel. and Local terrestrial broadcasting receive discriminative application than comprehensive programming channel. They have reverse discrimination in must-carry, broadcasting area, programming regulation, advertisement regulation, broadcasting development fund. Hence, Local terrestrial broadcasting needs diverse countermeasures at difficult media circumstances. Above all, Competitive content reinforcement is desperately needed. That's why content distribution structure needs diversification. And, It is necessary for local terrestrial broadcasting companies to diversify the content distribution system. As a way to expand distribution structure of local broadcasting, the introduction of local programming regulations for total amount will be highlighted in the nationwide network program. The mandatory policy that programs produced by local terrestrial broadcasting companies will be broadcast regularly in prime time through a nationwide network is an example. In addition to developing high content independently, 2nd Multiple channels of distribution is needed. It has to be supplied to various platforms including local broadcasting, SO and etc. In addition, it is necessary to activate regional co-production program between local terrestrial broadcasting companies and regions. Time rate between central stations and local terrestrial broadcasting companies must be distributed practically. And also, local terrestrial broadcasting companies in addition to ad revenue model to themselves and their own businesses by expanding the sponsorship to strengthen the competitiveness will have to nurture self-sustaining. Moreover they must have enlarge economy of scale through widen of broadcasting area.
Comprehensive Programming Channels; Asymmetric Regulation; Contents Reinforcement; Local Programming Regulations for Total Amount; Self-business Invigoration; Widen of Broadcasting Area;
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  • Reference
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