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A Study on characteristics of movies in the 1930s  

Eo, Il-Seon (청주대학교 영화학과)
Publication Information
This study analyzed and compared Dong-a Il-bo, a new material, based on the result of analysis of movie commercials on Mae-il Shin-bo from the previous study. Although we could not analyze precisely them in regard to their form, there are differences between them in terms of where they show movie commercials and how large their movie commercials are. However, in terms of the content, the characteristics of movies in the 1930s correspond with the result of the study that analyzed Mae-Il Shin-Bo. As Mae-Il Shin-Bo was actually a organ of the Japanese Government-General of Korea, and Dong-A Il-Bo was a representative of private newspapers, our comparative study actually covered almost all materials on the movies of the 1930s, considering repeating movie commercials. Based on the results of this study, we can learn more precisely the characteristics of the movies in the 1930s.
1930s; Movie Commercials;
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  • Reference
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