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Analysis of Film 〈Obaltan〉 focused on Narratology's Viewpoint  

Kim, Jong-Wan (동국대학교 영화영상학과)
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Movie research in the 1980's structuralism looks tendency to escape director or text research and analyze spectator or inspection action. These post-structuralist divert interest by analytic convention of spectators in analysis by director's intention or text type correctly. There is the age that spectator, inspectional action and inspectional subject weighs more than director, work and text itself. But, inspection of movie can be person's enemy by director's narrative strategy or spectator's analytic quality that depend on a text and spectator and their interaction usually, and only method to acquire universality chooses full analytic discourse to principle. We should be structured by symbol system that the event is consisted of movie language to reappear the event through narrative in movie and this symbol system, director's narrative strategy can cause fixed esthetic distance between spectator. Researches to analyze this distance need to keep universal validity as much as being accepted by effort to gap with director and spectator. Therefore, narrative poetry that I analyze movie narration style by 'narrated' and unit of 'narrating' and study the form and function so-called, is going to follow narratology's access method. The consistent argument of this narrative poetry is that story is consisted of the events and these observe to structured thing by unit that is sequence through arrangement with the other event that adjoin in the event. Also, director need consensus with spectator to reappear connection of this event logically and it is thing which this reappearance form can be done characteristic by narrative strategy in directing. I am going to try narrative structure analysis of movie by narrative that is connected at structure of the event and 'narrating-narrative acts' that is interested in way to reappear this story to spectator hereupon. Of course, at process of research, Roland Barthes and his followers wish to apply 'narrative function' and concept of 'narrative acts' that prefer from time to time.
Narrative Strategy; Narrative Function; Director's Intention; Esthetic Distance; Mimesis; Diegesis;
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  • Reference
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