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Pauses and Ellipses in Chekhov's Plays: Focusing on Three Sisters  

Lieu, Ji-Mi (목원대학교영화영상학부)
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The things that you cannot miss when reading Chekhov's plays are "pauses" and ellipses lining up in the middle of the lines. I think what meaning to amplify and how to express a great number of "pauses" and ellipses when one directs Chekhov's works may be a crucial element that makes his works more Chekhov-like. First, proper uses of "pauses" and ellipses may be helpful for determining the characteristics of the characters. So silence in Chekhov drama allows his plays considered relatively lacking actions to become totally different drama texts with musical dynamics, that is, functions as directive or acting material to be treated delicately.
Chekhov; Pause; Silence; Ellipses; Theater;
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  • Reference
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