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The Problem and Prospect of Developing a RFID-based Digital Board Game by Initial Developers  

Lee, Kyoung-Mi (덕성여자대학교 컴퓨터공학부)
Lee, Kyung-Ok (덕성여자대학교 유아교육학과)
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RFID-based games, which use a RFID reader and RFID chips, will expand existing computer games, which use a computer screen, a keyboard or a mouse. This paper presents 4 RFID digital board game contents which are conducted by initial developers; the three of them use the screen and control the games with RFID chips and, one is a different attempted game which can exclude the screen and be immersed to the board. While initial developers use object recognition of RFID, we need to develop game contents and game interface which can recognize positions of the objects. According to the initial developer"s developing process, the cooperative system between the game technical developers and the contents developers should be necessary. Also, the interface should be developed for young children to participate and operate.
RFID; Digital Board Game; Object Recognition; Game Contents;
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  • Reference
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