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The Correlation between Leadership and Organizational Culture, and Influence on Employee's Job Attitude in Hotel Industry  

Lee, Jae-Hyoung (상지대학교 관광학부 호텔컨벤션)
Publication Information
This paper is to investigate the correlation between leadership and organizational culture, and is to find out the influence of leadership and organizational culture on employee's job attitude in hotel industry based on the survey data from 274 hotel employees working in 13 deluxe hotels in Seoul. As a result of empirical analysis, all leadership attributes(charisma/inspiration, service/consideration, reward) were correlated with organization culture factors(group oriented, stratified oriented, innovative oriented, rational oriented). And reward, service/inspiration were significantly influenced on employee's job attitude. As a whole reward based on compensation was more important attribute than other leadership attributes on organizational culture factors, employee's job attitude. And group oriented, stratified oriented culture were positively influenced on employee's job attitude.
Leadership; Organizational Culture; Job Attitude;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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