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Correlation between Taste and Fashion in Contemporary Consumer Society and Popular Culture  

Park, Ki-Ung (중앙대학교 첨단영상대학원 영상예술학과)
Jo, Jung-Yeon (중앙대학교 첨단영상대학원 영상예술학과)
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This paper claims the argument that the taste of own is not the intrinsic value but is determined by the environment or habitus, based on Bourdieu's theory. This concept of taste leads up to a natural stream of imitation and alignment. We conclude that the stream is the fashion which be justified by the major agreement. But the nature of fashion exists in hegemony and determines a sense of kinship or a point of difference. In this regard, popular cultures as a window circulated fashion have a negative consequence that can be method of discriminating the minority and justifying vested rights. Accordingly, we have to become wary of the strategy of control using fashion and popular cultures, and need to recognize the prior paradigm about fashion. In the process, we can expect that fandom or counter cultures based on digital high technology constitute subjectivity and dynamics of popular by interaction between the objects.
Bourdieu; Taste; Fashion; Popular Culture; Subjectivity of Popular;
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