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Neighborhood Region Connection Development with Core Tourist Area Visitor Behavior Characteristics  

Kwon, Dong-Keug (성덕대학 호텔관광외식과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to explain the neighborhood region "gimpo northwest area" connection development make use of a core tourist area "kanghwado" of visitor behavior characteristics. this is a foundation data for research of kanghwado behavior characteristics. For this research, the description of the current study were as follows. First kanghwado revisitors of high potentialities visit gimpo northwest area. so its demanded same or different attraction development and make an target marketing from kanghwado revisitors. Second the gimpo northwest keep the accent on development history and experience education of housewives families. Third publicity board parking area and infrastructure is demanded on the 48th street. Forth Han river and Imjin river meeting point gimpo north area, each other kanghwado gimpo west put opposite Yeomha river there can see point the west sea. therefore we need waterside attraction.
Core Tourismt Area; Connection Development;
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연도 인용수 순위
  • Reference
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9, 강화군