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Questionnaire Survey on the Proposed Amendments to the Corporate Tax Law in Alignment with the Full Adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards in Korea  

Jang, Ji-Kyung (부산대학교 경영학부)
Publication Information
This study aims at investigating the possible effects on the tax accounting practices stemming from adopting the IFRS in financial reporting process. It also seeks for policy implications to help alleviate practical conflicts likely to arise from the inconsistencies between the existing tax law and the tax related IFRS provisions. The results of the survey analysis are summarized as follows: firstly, majority opinion is opposed to the fair value based revaluation of property assets as well as the application of immediate recognition of foreign currency translation gains/losses. It favors the existing provision on asset securitization which adopts sales transaction view. Secondly, most of the respondents oppose the proposed amendments which allows dual classification of lease contracts on the ground. Third, functional currency appears acceptable on a conceptual level, even though a deep concern is expressed regarding the practical feasibility of computing taxable income using financial statements translated on the basis of functional currency on a practical viewpoint. Fourth, many respondents support the existing convention of recognizing depreciation expenses for taxation purposes and are in favor of the separation of accounting and tax books on a long-term basis. Fifth, the majority opinion approves the maintenance of existing tax reconciliation system and the recognition of expenses related with the doubtful accounts on reporting basis. Finally, a concern is raised with regard to the added burden of practical job loads needed to comply with the proposed amendments.
International Financial Reporting Standards; Corporate Tax Law; Tax Reconciliation;
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  • Reference
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