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Durability Evaluation of Tunnel Lining Concrete Reinforced with Nylon Fiber  

Jeon, Joong-Kyu (Kolon E&C R&D Institute)
You, Jin-O (Kolon E&C R&D Institute)
Moon, Jae-Heum (Korea Institute of Construction Materials)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute / v.20, no.4, 2008 , pp. 487-493 More about this Journal
Tunnel structures are widely used for transportations in mountains areas. To shorten the construction period and to cut down the construction expenditure, a construction technique that a tunnel excavation process and a tunnel lining process are simultaneously performed is often applied in the field. However, due to the vibration and impact caused by excavation process, cracking and deterioration of tunnel lining concrete could happen. This research experimentally investigated the effective role of the usages of blended cement and recently developed nylon fibers for tunnel lining concrete. It has been observed that both nylon fibers and blended cement improve the durability and physical properties of concrete.
tunnel lining concrete; nylon fiber; blended cement; concrete mixture; durability of concrete;
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