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Two Culture and Bioethics, Professionalism and Ethics of Bio Technology  

Lee, Kyung-Hee (Dept. of Ethics Education, Sungshin Women's University)
Publication Information
Development and Reproduction / v.14, no.4, 2010 , pp. 307-316 More about this Journal
This thesis attempts to describe the basis and value system respectively selected by opinions pro and against bio engineering technology and to induce discussions on the basis of the concept called 'two culture' issue by C. P. Snow - science culture, human culture, a teleological ethical theory and a deontological ethical theory, traditional eugenics, and liberalism eugenics. In addition, it will discuss about inconvenient truth about science and bio engineering which we have wrongly understood up to now - a myth on objectivity of science, autonomy of science and a scientist, a hunger of world, science expected to be responsible for all men. Lastly, it will describe study ethics and social responsibility, openness, moral imagination, self-examination, character of a bio engineer as professionalism.
Two culture; Bioethics; Professionalism; Bio technology; Science culture; Human culture; Social responsibility; Openness; moral imagination; Ethics of self-examination and traits;
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  • Reference
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