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Perceived values, price fairness, and behavioral intentions toward luxury fashion brands - A comparison of luxury, luxury-bargain, and non-luxury consumers -  

Lim, Chae Mi (School of Business, Thomas Jefferson University)
Publication Information
The Research Journal of the Costume Culture / v.27, no.1, 2019 , pp. 20-32 More about this Journal
This study examined whether and how consumers who seek a bargain in their shopping for luxury fashion brands differ from traditional luxury consumers or non-luxury consumers on their market-related attitudes. To do so, this study compared multi-dimensional perceived values, fairness price perceptions, satisfaction with purchase, brand loyalty, and future purchase intention among luxury consumers, luxury-bargain seekers, and non-luxury consumers. Data was obtained from online surveys and the market-related attitudes were compared using an ANOVA test. The comparion of three types of consumers revealed that luxury-bargain seekers and regular luxury consumers are distinct consumer markets. Overall, luxury consumers displayed high perceived values and brand loyalty and were fairly satisfied with the purchase at full-prices. On the other hand, luxury-bargain seekers showed significantly low perceived social value, perceived fairness toward the original price of the brands, and brand loyalty. They were satisfied with the bargain purchase but not likely to purchase the luxury at full-prices in the future. Understanding these distinct types of consumers and targeting them with different product and pricing strategies are important for luxury brands and retailers to expand luxury consumer base without diluting their brands' prestige image. Potential marketing strategies based on the findings of this study were suggested.
luxury; bargain; perceived value; price fairness; brand loyalty;
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