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A Study on the Characteristics of Fashion Illustration in the Fashion Industry  

Lee, Eun Jin (Dept. of Clothing & Fashion, Yeungnam University)
Choi, Yoo Jin (Dept. of Clothing & Fashion, Yeungnam University)
Kim, Jung Sook (Dept. of Clothing & Fashion, Yeungnam University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Costume / v.63, no.5, 2013 , pp. 72-86 More about this Journal
This research aims to analyze the expressive characteristics of the fashion illustration in various fashion products such as clothing, accessories, other fashion products, and magazine advertisements. Targeting 223 items of products that had adjoined fashion illustration from 2000 to 2008, which had been collected through from magazines and web sites using the fashion illustration expression categorization (expression technique drawing style, body expression, expression image, attaching method to product) based on the theoretical background and the general trends by products. In frequency analysis results, painting technique and graphic technique were of great importance in the expression technique, and shading drawing and contour drawing were of great importance over all product groups for the drawing style. In body expression, exaggerative expression was the highest; simple expression and realistic expression were of great importance over all product groups relatively. In particular, there was a very distinct difference by fashion products in expression image. Humor image has the most importance in fashion clothing and fashion accessories. Casual image is the most important in magazine advertisements, and feminine image is the most important for other fashion products. Lastly, in attaching method to products, finished goods printings made up the largest proportion over all products. In fashion clothing, textile printings was the highest in proportions. Stitch in fashion accessory, the original form of commodity in other fashion products. This study will become a very valuable source in fashion products development using fashion illustrations.
expression characteristics; fashion illustration; fashion products;
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  • Reference
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