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A Case study of Promotion through the Communication Contents of Facebook for Fashion Brands - Focused on Empathy and Participation based on the Communication Contents -  

Choi, Eun-Young (Dept. of Fashion Design, Youngsan University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Costume / v.62, no.1, 2012 , pp. 137-151 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to examine how recently fashion brands tried to design Facebook contents for their promotion strategies, and how to encourage customer's empathy and participation for communication content. For this study, 17 domestic and foreign fashion brand facebook contents were analyzed. The results of the study were as follows. First, fashion brands provided product information through various methods such as the Facebook fan styling pictures contest which attracted voluntary participation from fans, an emotional product introduction video with effective storytelling techniques, and pictures and videos of a new season collection that were always viewable and able to be evaluated. Secondly, Facebook contents of brand promotion that contributed to the brand image and loyalty formation were identified. Fashion brands encouraged their fans to be involved in socially-oriented marketing and brand community. Moreover, telling the story of the brand history and brand management enhanced brand involvement of fans. Finally, fashion brands communicated actively with their fans providing information that aroused their interest. They gave tips on how to improve the quality of life, provided useful applications that offered various benefits in everyday life. Based on this result, implications of Facebook contents management as a promotion strategy were further discussed.
facebook; fashion brand; fashion promotion; SNS;
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  • Reference
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