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A Study on the Structure and Terminolgy of Ranking Belt in Joseon Dynasty  

Lee, Eun-Joo (Dept. of of Multiplex Contents, Andong National University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Costume / v.61, no.10, 2011 , pp. 135-150 More about this Journal
The ranking belts for Joseon dynasty officials that are based on references and relics are studied in this paper in terms of architecture, detailed names, and structural changes according to different time. Officials' uniforms consist of hats, clothes, belts, and shoes. Among these, the belt is an important sign that represents the wearer's ranking. The ranking belts of the Joseon dynasty which were brought from Ming at the late stage of the Koryo dynasty became classified as the following four classes : Seo-dai(a rhinoceros' horn, 犀帶), Gum-dai(gold, 金帶), Eun-dai(silver, 銀帶), and Heug-gag-dai(black horn, 黑角帶). A ranking belt consists of a basic belt body and a plaque that represents the wearer's rank. A plaque consists of 20 plates: three front-center plates that represent the Sam-tai(三台) constellation, six front-side plates that represent the Namduyug constellation(南斗六星), seven back plates that represent the Big Dipper(北斗七星), left side Bo(輔), right side Pil(弼), and a couple of Tamie at both ends. The architecture of the belt body; the basic frame for ranking belts, shows some differences between the former and the latter periods of the Joseon dynasty. In the former period, the belt had a pair of a buckle so that the wearers were able to adjust the belt size. But later, the belt didn't have the buckles to adjust the belt size and consequently it only performed a locking or unlocking function. Therefore, the belts in the latter period were longer than normal and one size fit all. In addition to the functional change of buckles, the shapes of the ranking belts show changes from the round shape to the square shape as time goes on.
belt; Joseon Dynasty; Officials' uniforms; terminolgy; ranking belt;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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31 世宗實錄 권58 世宗14년 10월 20일(乙巳).
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33 太宗實錄 卷9, 太宗5년 3월 16일(辛亥).
34 世宗實錄 권45 世宗 11년 8월 18일(壬子).
35 世宗實錄 권7 世宗2년 1월 26일(乙丑).
36 世宗實錄 권13 世宗3년 9월 7일(丁卯)
37 度支定例 006전.
38 燕山君日記 卷33 燕山君 5년 4월 16일(乙巳).
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50 世宗實錄 卷81 世宗 20년 4월 1일(甲寅).
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56 國朝喪禮補編 圖說 003후.
57 梁伍鎭(2008), 老乞大․朴通事硏究, 서울: 제이앤씨, pp. 38-39.
58 朴通事諺解 上 018전-019전.
59 度支定例 別例 上 009.
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61 太宗實錄 卷31, 太宗 16년 3월 30일(壬戌).
62 世宗實錄 卷128 五禮․吉禮序例(冠冕圖說), 034전.
63 國朝五禮儀序例 卷1 吉禮 祭服圖說, 122후.
64 大明會典 卷61 001전-011전.
65 度支準折 冠帶 烏角帶一部 價錢二兩 犀角帶一部 價錢 一百五十兩.
66 鄭良婉외 (1997), 朝鮮後期漢字語彙檢索辭典: 物名 考.廣才物譜, 성남: 한국정신문화연구원, p. 601.
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68 李裕元, 林下筆記 卷25, 春明逸史.
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70 李裕元, 林下筆記 卷25, 犀帶有徵 蠟色葡萄文.
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72 湖巖美術館(1996), 湖巖美術館名品圖錄 II, p. 75.
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