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A Study on Intraculturalism in 21st Century Fashion  

Yang, Sook-Hi (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Sook Myung Women's University)
Chung, Se-Hui (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Sook Myung Women's University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Costume / v.59, no.1, 2009 , pp. 119-135 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to examine formative aesthetic characteristics and aesthetical value of the intraculturalism expressed in contemporary fashion and to confirm the functions of intraculturalism to establish, visualize, perform the racially indeterminate, ethnically neutral, culturally diverse or ambiguous identity. For this study, the applications of the intraculturalism shown in mass media and consumer culture, such as music, fashion advertisements and collections of high fashion designers from 2004 to 2008 have been analyzed and compared. The results were as follows: The Intraculturalism is reflected in the muticultural music such as Afropean, Jawaiian, Reggaeton and Asian Hip Hop. Intracultural music genres create the hybrid music and fashion culture through mixing, matching and blending one and another culture. Advertisement campaigns for Louis Vuitton, YSL Beauty, Gap and H&M stores have all purposely highlighted models with mixed racial heritage. It is reflected in the latest youth fashion market trend using face that are ethnically ambiguous. The increasingly multiracial, multicultural population is due to intermarriage and waves of immigration. The rising mixed race designers, Narciso Rodriguez, Hussein Chalayan, Vera Wang and DooRi Chung, not only compromise and amalgamate different cultural elements of their heritage and contemporary life but also create new look and fashion image. The characteristics of intraculturalism expressed in the 21st century fashion could categorized into de-genre, de-nationality, de-race and de-culture.
intraculturalism; culture; fashion;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 6  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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64 BET: Black Entertainment Television의 약자로 1980년 Robert L. Johnson이 워싱턴에서 창립한 미국의 젊은 흑인과 도시에 거주하는 청중 등을 타켓으로 한 미국 케이블 네트워크로 대개의 프로그램은 랩, R & B 뮤직비디오나 도회적 삶을 그린 영화나 시리즈물을 방영함.
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66 Ibid.