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A Study of the Ceremonial Costume of the Crown Prince in the Year 1882 - Focusing on the Myeon-Bok (Royal Robe) -  

An, Ae-Young (Dept. of Traditional Costume Graduate School Dankook University)
Park, Sung-Sil (Dept. of Traditional Costume Graduate School Dankook University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Costume / v.59, no.10, 2009 , pp. 68-84 More about this Journal
A state wedding ceremony of kings and crown princes in the Chosun Dynasty was systemically formalized in a book Five National Ceremonies (1474) as one of the five major formal events of the royal auspicious ceremonies(Ga-rae). For a state wedding, Ga-rae Protocol was made by a devision for Ga-rae temporarily established for the occasion. A total number of auspicious ceremony protocols of kings and crown princes amounts to 20 in the span of 279 years. Among the proposals, the wedding of Soon-jong in the Imo Year of 1882 is described most thoroughly. Nap-bin-ui(reception of bride) comprises six rituals which are nap-chae, nap-jing, go-gyi, chaek-bin, chin-young, and dong-ryae. A grand formal costume of the crown prince is granted based on the 'Seven Parts Formal Costume' of the first year of the king Moon-jong in 1450 together with an official costume for crown prince(Gon-myeon-chil-jang) arranged in the third year of the king Young-rak. In the royal palace of the Chosun Dynasty, the granted formal costume of the crown prince is officially recorded as a code and presented in a Gwon-ji-il section of the Formalities of the Five National Ceremonies. The formal costume and its accessory set for the crown prince recorded as a code are described in Sangbang Jeong-ryae as the formal costume of the crown prince section published by the king's request at the high senate commission in the 28th year of the king Young-jo in 1752. The aim of the study is to investigate the formal costume of the crown prince as an auspicious ceremonial costume worn at the wedding in the year of Imo.
Ga-rae Protocol; Proposal; Six Rituals; Chin-young; Meon Bok;
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  • Reference
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4 세종실록 권 36, 세종 9년(1427) 4월 26일(갑신) '上以遠遊冠絳紗袍, 御勤政殿月臺上幄次, 率文武群臣, 行王世子醮戒禮如儀$_{\circ}$ 王世子具朝服,'
5 세종 72권, 18년(1436) 6월 15일(경술) 3번째기사
6 문종실록 권 1, 즉위년(1450) 5월 12일(을묘)
7 세종 32년(1450) 1월에 세종은 왕세자가 신하들과 같은 조복을 입는 것이 합당하지 못하다는 이유로 중국에 왕세자 면복으로 7장복을 청하였는데(세종 32년, 1450, 윤1월 21일 기사) 같은 해[문종 즉위년(1450)] 5월에 七章冕服 1副를 가져온 기록이 있다. 그 내용은 (문종즉위년, 1450, 5월 17일 기사) 八旒平天冠, 七章 袞服(深靑粧花袞服), 白素中單, 纁色前後裳, 纁色蔽膝, 纁色粧花錦綬, 纁色佩帶, 紅白素大帶, 玉圭, 大紅舃, 襪로 영락 3년에 제정한 왕세자관복[冕服-袞冕七章]제도와 같다
8 대명회전의 세자관복[冕服-袞冕七章](大明會典 卷60, 禮部 18, 官服條 世子官服)
9 광해군일기 권 52, 광해 4년(1612) 4월 7일(신미)
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18 단국대학교 석주선기념박물관 소장, (환생 (2006). 석주선박사 10주기 추모 출토복식 특별전, p. 88.)
19 國朝五禮儀序例 卷之一 吉禮 祭服圖說
20 세종실록 권 127, 세종 32년(1450) 윤1월 21일(병인)
21 선조실록 권 155, 선조 35년(1602) 10월 25일(계축)
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27 광해군일기 권 32, 광해 2년(1610) 8월 10일(임오)
28 궁중유물전시관(2002). 황실복식의 품위. 서울: 궁중유물전시관, p. 46
29 세종실록 권 31, 세종 8년(1426) 2월 26일(경인)
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36 유송옥 (1991). 朝鮮王朝宮中儀軌服飾. 서울: 수학사, p. 17
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38 영조실록 권 57, 영조 19년(1743) 4월 14일(정유)
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44 문화공보부 문화제관리국 (1986). 조선시대궁중복식. 서울: 문화공보부문화제관리국, pp. 24-26
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46 문종실록 권 1, 즉위년(1450) 5월 17일(경신)
47 단종실록 권 3, 즉위년(1452) 9월 1일(경인)
48 한국정신문화연구원 (1994). 古文書集成 十二 藏書閣編Ⅲ, 경기: 한국정신문화연구원, p. 55
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