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The Study on the fabrics of Gilt-Bronze Shoes Found at the Tomb of King Mu-Ryeong of Baekje  

Cho, Hyo-Sook (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Kyung Won University)
Lee, Eun-Jin (Dept. Costume Design, Dong Shin University)
Jeon, Hyun-Sil (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, the Catholic Univ. of Korea)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Costume / v.57, no.1, 2007 , pp. 93-104 More about this Journal
This study is considered about the fabrics culture of Baekje Period by analyzing the fabrics pieces at a inner part of the It-bronze shoes found at the tomb of King Mu-ryeong in 1971 AD. The analysis methods of the fabrics pieces are a photographing of fabrics pieces surface by VMS, Digital camera(Nikon Coolpix 995) and the analysis of samples by SEM, XRD and FT-IR. It is assumed this fabrics pieces are the inner shoes, which consisted of compound woven silk at outward, some of tabby and a hemp at inward and the braids for decoration, of the gilt-bronze shoes. The features are as follows. 1. All of compound woven silk are the warp-faced compound tabby of plain fabrics and the density is various from high to low one. Compound woven silk which is attached the gilt-bronze shoes of the tomb of King Mu-ryeong weaves in high density by a thick thread. The fibers material of compound woven silk prove to be a silk by the analysis of wrap samples by SEM, XRD and FT-IR. 2. Tabby are excavated under the condition which attached on reverse side of compound woven silk. Those ran classify two types. First, the fine weaving by high density of wrap and weft. Second, the loose warp weaving with one warp and some of weft. 3. Hemp is almost ramie by SEM analysis and the density is different. Ramie which supposed to be attached Guem has the very low density. In addition to, Ramie pieces, excavated in condition and weaved finely, proved the conspicuous weaving skill in Baekje period. 4. Various kinds of braid are found and these ones classifies by fiber material and entwining way. Two types out of these are the one of silk thread, decorates the upper, middle parts of compound woven silk shoes and the other of hemp thread, decorates the lower parts.
Baekje period; tomb of King Mu-ryeong; gilt-bronze shoes; fabric pieces; compound woven silk; tabby; hemp; braid;
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