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An Effect on the Costumes in the Middle Ages of the Culture of Knight from the 11th Century to Middle of the 15th Century  

조현진 (인하대학교 의류학과)
김영삼 (중앙대학교 의류학)
정흥숙 (중앙대학교 의류학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Costume / v.54, no.4, 2004 , pp. 27-40 More about this Journal
In this thesis, the connectivity between the military culture in the Middle Ages and costumes by researching the effect on the clothing in the Middle Ages of the culture of knight from the 11th century to middle of the 15th century was tried to be recognized. The culture of knight was widely divided into 4 articles - Chivalry, Tournamemt, The equipment of knight, Heraldry - and then researched. The conclusion after researching the influence of the culture of knight upon the clothing in the Middle Age in the above is as follows. Regarding the clothing, the military culture such as the crusader war, armor, and heraldry was popularized over the entire Middle Ages as the military-look style, and regarding the ornament the result of the crusader war caused the introduction of the Eastern civilization and development of the commerce and industry, and also trade, and consequently the ornament became luxurious. Regarding the footwear, when seeing the Gothic shoes, it can be found that it is similar with the knight's shoes made of the metal. As seen in the above, it can be recognized that the culture of knight caused the huge influence upon the whole politics, culture, and society in the Middle Ages as well as upon the costumes.
knight; armor; heraldry;
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  • Reference
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