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A Study on the Woon Kyun of Won - Focused on the Jipsa -  

김미자 (서울여자대학교 의류학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Costume / v.53, no.2, 2003 , pp. 127-135 More about this Journal
Woon Kyun was one of the shoulder cloth worn by both men and women during Won(원) Dynasty. The distinet features of Woon Kyun was that it had cloud-form embroidered on chest, back and both shoulders respectively and the front of it was opened. It also glitterinyly decorated with five different colored embroidery inserted with gold thread. 26 Woon Kyun out of 59 men demonstrated on the miniature of ≪Jipsa≫ were selected and analyzed according to the historical periods, class and sex. The results of the study showed that there was little change on its forms and patterns and people wore it without specific differentiation. The common patterns of embroidery used were various kinds of animals and plants, however, plants seemed to be more preferred.
Woonkyun; Jipsa; Miniature;
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  • Reference
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