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Face Super-Resolution using Adversarial Distillation of Multi-Scale Facial Region Dictionary  

Jo, Byungho (Inha University, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering)
Park, In Kyu (Inha University, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering)
Hong, Sungeun (Inha University, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering)
Publication Information
Journal of Broadcast Engineering / v.26, no.5, 2021 , pp. 608-620 More about this Journal
Recent deep learning-based face super-resolution (FSR) works showed significant performances by utilizing facial prior knowledge such as facial landmark and dictionary that reflects structural or semantic characteristics of the human face. However, most of these methods require additional processing time and memory. To solve this issue, this paper propose an efficient FSR models using knowledge distillation techniques. The intermediate features of teacher network which contains dictionary information based on major face regions are transferred to the student through adversarial multi-scale features distillation. Experimental results show that the proposed model is superior to other SR methods, and its effectiveness compare to teacher model.
Image super-resolution; Face super-resolution; Knowledge distillation; Adversarial learning; Deep learning;
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