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Development of a Chameleonic Pin-Art Equipment for Generating Realistic Solid Shapes  

Kwon, Ohung (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Human Convergence Technology R&D Department)
Kim, Jinyoung (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Human Convergence Technology R&D Department)
Lee, Sulhee (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Human Convergence Technology R&D Department)
Kim, Juhea (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Human Convergence Technology R&D Department)
Lee, Sang-won (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Human Convergence Technology R&D Department)
Cho, Jayang (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Human Convergence Technology R&D Department)
Kim, Hyungtae (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Human Convergence Technology R&D Department)
Publication Information
Journal of Broadcast Engineering / v.25, no.4, 2020 , pp. 497-506 More about this Journal
A chameleonic surface proposed in this study was a pin-art and 3D display device for generating arbitrary shapes. A smooth and continuous surface was formed using slim telescopic actuators and high-elasticity composite material. Realistic 3D shapes were continuously generated by projecting dynamic mapping images on the surface. A slim telescopic actuator was designed to show long strokes and minimize area for staking. A 3D shape was formed by thrusting and extruding the high-elasticity material using multiple telescopic actuators. This structure was advantageous for generating arbitrary continuous surface, projecting dynamic images and lightening weight. Because of real-time synchronization, a distributed controller based on EtherCAT was applied to operate hundreds of telescopic actuators smoothly. Integrated operating software consecutively generated realistic scenes by coordinating extruded shapes and projecting 3D image from multiple projectors. An opera content was optimized for the chameleon surface and showed to an audience in an actual concert.
kinetic art; pin-art device; chameleon surface; slim telescopic actuator; distributed network control;
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  • Reference
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