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Object Tracking Method using Deep Learning and Kalman Filter  

Kim, Gicheol (Information of Departments, Hanbat National University)
Son, Sohee (Information of Departments, Hanbat National University)
Kim, Minseop (Information of Departments, Hanbat National University)
Jeon, Jinwoo (ETRI)
Lee, Injae (ETRI)
Cha, Jihun (ETRI)
Choi, Haechul (Information of Departments, Hanbat National University)
Publication Information
Journal of Broadcast Engineering / v.24, no.3, 2019 , pp. 495-505 More about this Journal
Typical algorithms of deep learning include CNN(Convolutional Neural Networks), which are mainly used for image recognition, and RNN(Recurrent Neural Networks), which are used mainly for speech recognition and natural language processing. Among them, CNN is able to learn from filters that generate feature maps with algorithms that automatically learn features from data, making it mainstream with excellent performance in image recognition. Since then, various algorithms such as R-CNN and others have appeared in object detection to improve performance of CNN, and algorithms such as YOLO(You Only Look Once) and SSD(Single Shot Multi-box Detector) have been proposed recently. However, since these deep learning-based detection algorithms determine the success of the detection in the still images, stable object tracking and detection in the video requires separate tracking capabilities. Therefore, this paper proposes a method of combining Kalman filters into deep learning-based detection networks for improved object tracking and detection performance in the video. The detection network used YOLO v2, which is capable of real-time processing, and the proposed method resulted in 7.7% IoU performance improvement over the existing YOLO v2 network and 20 fps processing speed in FHD images.
YOLO; Kalman filter; Object tracking; CNN; Deep learning;
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