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Impact of Interpersonal Problems and Body Dissatisfaction on Suicidal Idea of Young Adults  

Lee, Jae-Min (Department of Psychiatry, Chungnam National University Hospital)
Kim, Jeong-Lan (Department of Psychiatry, Chungnam National University Hospital)
Wang, Seong-Keun (Department of Psychiatry, Chungnam National University Hospital)
Chee, Ik-Seung (Department of Psychiatry, Chungnam National University Hospital)
Publication Information
Anxiety and mood / v.10, no.2, 2014 , pp. 163-169 More about this Journal
Objective : The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between interpersonal problems, body dissatisfaction, and suicidal idea. Methods : Two hundred ninety-four participants filled out the self-reporting questionnaires : Body dissatisfaction was measured with Body Dysmorphic Disorder Examination-Self Report (BDDE-SR) ; Interpersonal problems was measured with Korean Inventory of Interpersonal Problem (KIIP) ; Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire (SIQ) was used to assess suicidal idea. A path analysis was conducted to identify the impact of interpersonal problems and body dissatisfaction on the suicidal ideas. Results : 'Socially inhibited (KIIP_C4)', 'overly-accommodating (KIIP_C6)', age, and gender had a direct effect on their body dissatisfaction, and those factors had a indirect effect on the suicidal ideas. Also, 'cold (KIIP_C3)' and body dissatisfaction had a direct effect on the suicidal ideas. Conclusions : These findings can help to identify how interpersonal problems and body dissatisfaction influence the suicidal ideas of people. It would be useful to consider and assess suicidal ideas in the patients with 'cold (KIIP_C3)', 'socially inhibited (KIIP_C4)', 'overly-accommodating (KIIP_C6)'.
Body dissatisfaction; Interpersonal problems; Suicidal ideas; Path analysis;
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