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A Concept Map Study on Teacher Competency for ESD(Education for Sustainable Development) in Early Childhood  

Lee, Hyobin (삼정그린어린이집)
Kwon, Yeonhee (부경대학교 유아교육과)
An, Jungeun (부경대학교어린이집)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Childcare and Education / v.17, no.6, 2021 , pp. 53-72 More about this Journal
Objective: This study aimed to reveal early childhood teachers' perceptions of teacher competency for ESD using concept mapping and demonstrating its importance. Methods: 16 early childhood teachers in charge of 3-5 year olds conducted statement writing, and then the importance of selected statements were rated by 160 early childhood teachers in charge of 3-5 year olds. Selected statements were analyzed through multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis. Results: Early childhood teachers perceived teacher competency for ESD in early childhood as concept mapping with two-dimensions and six clusters. The following six clusters were established (1) ethics for sustainable development, (2) willingness to participate in ESD, (3) development and operation of a sustainable development curriculum, (4) recognition and practice of environmental issues, (5) realization of value for sustainable development, and (6) practical thinking for ESD. And then among the six clusters, the most important cluster was recognized as 'ethics for sustainable development', and among the statements 'having an open mind to understand multiculturalism and the disabled' was considered relatively important Conclusion/Implications: Based on these results, we discussed the importance of teacher competency for ESD in early childhood, development of teacher competency scale, and preparation of a teacher education plans for each competency.
ESD(education for sustainable development) in early childhood; teacher competency; concept mapping;
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  • Reference
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