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Case Study on the Compliance Situation of Class Rules for 3-year Olds  

Ha, Min Kyung (성신여지대학교 유아교육과)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Childcare and Education / v.17, no.3, 2021 , pp. 39-64 More about this Journal
Objective: This study analyzed the compliance situation of class rules for 3-year olds in the Wisdom class at Sarang kindergarten. Methods: Research participants were composed of 17 young children and two teachers in the wisdom class for 3-year-olds and data collection and analysis were conducted by participant observation using the qualitative method. Results: Research results were as follows. The compliance situation of class rules included compliance, violation, and among compliance and violation. First, compliance was divided into compliance with assistance and self compliance. Compliance with assistance is for young children to follow the rules under the guidance, help, and instructions of teachers. Self compliance is for children to understand and follow the rules themselves. Second, Between compliance and violation is conflict of the rules created by different standards of class rules. Third, depending on who found the violation, violation was classified into teacher discovery, peer discovery, and acquiescence. The teacher discovery led to teacher guidance and teacher acquiescence, The peer discovery led to peer notification, peer resistance, peer punishment, and peer acquiescence. Conclusion/Implications: By looking at the compliance situation of class rules for three-year-olds, the educational implications of how to guide class rules were obtained for children.
class rules; compliance; violation;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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