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The Relationships between Preschool Teachers' Beliefs about the Purpose of Multicultural Education and Their Attitudes and Teaching Efficacy with Respect to Multicultural Education  

Kim, Na Rim (전주비전대학교 유아교육과)
Kwon, Yi Jeong (호원대학교 유아교육학과)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Childcare and Education / v.10, no.5, 2014 , pp. 83-100 More about this Journal
This study aims to explore the relationships between preschool teachers' beliefs about the purpose of multicultural education and their attitudes and teaching efficacy with respect to multicultural education. For this purpose, 296 teachers, who were working at kindergartens and daycare centers, were chosen for this study and the survey method was used to collect data. The TMAS (Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey), Multicultural Teaching Efficacy Scale, and teachers' belief about the purpose of multicultural education were used to evaluate teachers' multicultural-related variables. To analyze the data, frequency measurements, percentile, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient were used. Through this study, these findings were found: 1) Teachers most perceive human relations as the purpose of multicultural education. 2) There is no relationship between the belief in multicultural education and the attitudes and teaching efficacy with respect to multicultural education. However, The attitudes about multicultural curriculum show meaningful differences, depending on the teachers' beliefs about the purpose of multicultural education. 3) The attitudes and teaching efficacy with respect to multicultural education are strongly related to each other. These findings are discussed with respect to the necessity of multicultural education curriculum development for preschool teachers.
multicultural education; preschool teacher; belief about the purpose of multicultural education; multicultural attitude; multicultural teaching efficacy;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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