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Teachers' Story about the Anecdotal Records in Kindergarten  

Park, Sun Hee (대연유치원)
Lee, Kyeong Hwa (부경대학교 유아교육과)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Childcare and Education / v.10, no.4, 2014 , pp. 71-95 More about this Journal
The paper explored the limitations of anecdotal records in kindergarten and presented the challenges toward authentic records. The data was collected from 7 teachers working at private kindergartens through focus group interviews (FGI) and individual follow-up interviews. The participants' conversation in the FGI and their responses in the individual interviews were analyzed according to the principles of thematic coding. The participants described the barriers from recording a child anecdote in private kindergarten and at the same time their voices implied the possibilities to overcome the difficulties. All descriptions of the participants were converged on the 3 themes with rhetoric of "from A to B". For becoming anecdotal records in kindergarten, in summary, the records at the present should be changed 1) "from formal and faithless documentation to fluent resources of children's development", 2) "from disconnectedness between the records and curriculum to recursive circulation for improving pedagogical realities", and 3) "from canned documentation written by a struggling teacher to meaningful writing produced by a teacher like researcher".
child assessment; anecdotal records; focus group interview;
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  • Reference
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