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Kindergarten Teacher's Difficulties the Relationships between Teacher and Parents  

Kim, Bo Young (원계 자연 어린이집)
Kim, Hun Joo (경남대학교 유아교육과)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Childcare and Education / v.9, no.6, 2013 , pp. 73-106 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to identify difficulties in the relationships between kindergarten teachers and parents and find out factors that make the relationship difficult. The research questions are as follows: Firstly, what are the difficulties of the kindergarten teachers in making relationship with the parents? Secondly, what are the reactions of the kindergarten teachers toward the difficulties in making relationships with the parents? The research participants were 15 teachers of private kindergartens located in C city. Semi-structured interviews were administered to the participants. Their responses were categorized into several themes while examining transcribed data continuously. The difficulties expressed by the kindergarten teachers were analyzed into "Teacher aspect" and "Parent aspect". The research findings were as follows. Firstly, the teachers found difficulty with particular characteristics of parents and their demands. Also, teachers found difficulty with making positive relationships with the parents because they perceived problems from their own perspective. Secondly, The teachers' reactions towards the difficulties of the relationships with the parents appeared into 4 different types.
relationships between teacher and parents; kindergarten teacher's difficulties;
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  • Reference
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