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Children's Responses to the Characters of Fantasy Picture Books  

Chae, Jong Ok (인천대학교 사범대학 유아교육과)
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Korean Journal of Childcare and Education / v.9, no.6, 2013 , pp. 243-265 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to figure out how a child, as an active responder, responds to the characters of fantastic picture books by analyzing the child's questions and comments through the reading aloud approach. The subjects of this study are fifty-four children under five years old. Nine fantastic picture books are used as the study materials. The contents of the analysis are the frequency of children's questions and comments, the types of responses and the reasons of preferences to the characters. The results of the analysis are as follows: Firstly, the frequency of comments is three times higher than the frequency of questions. Secondly, the frequency of "evaluative questions" is the highest and "imaginative questions" is the next highest. The frequency of "transparent questions" and "personal questions" are comparatively low. Thirdly, most of the children answered that the reason of preference of the characters was "the character's appearance" and then "their subjective feeling to the character", "the character's role" and "the character's characteristics" in that order. Only one child answered that it was "the character's gender." This study will contribute to the planning and implementation of the strategies of reading picture books and to the strategic study to improve children's responses as well.
fantasy picture books; character; question; comment;
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  • Reference
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