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The Effects of Nature-friendly Fingertips Play Program for the Development Small Muscle Functions and Creative Thinking Abilities of Young Children  

Byun, Sang Woo (경성대학교 일반대학원 유아교육전공)
Seo, Hyun Ah (경성대학교 유아교육과)
Han, Hee Jung (경성대학교)
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Korean Journal of Childcare and Education / v.8, no.5, 2012 , pp. 5-24 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was how a nature-friendly fingertips play program with nature affected the development of small muscle functions and creative thinking abilities of young children. The subjects of this study were 28 five year old children. Fourteen of them were from H preschool and the other fourteen were from P preschool in the city of B. The research 'evaluation tool for small muscle motor function development' by Byung Dong Kang(2002) was used to measure the small muscle motor functions of preschool students. The Korean version standardized by Young Chae Kim(2004) was used to measure the development of creative thinking abilities. The study arrived at the following results. First, the nature-friendly fingertips play program affected positively to the development of entire small muscle functions, accuracy, rapidness, and stability for young children. Second, the nature-friendly fingertips play program affected positively to the entire creative thinking abilities, fluency, and resistance to the early conclusion. In conclusion, the nature- friendly fingertips play program affected positively to the development of small motor functions and creative thinking abilities.
nature-friendly fingertips play; small muscle functions; creative thinking abilities;
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