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Application of the Fuzzy Models for the Efficient Operation of Pumping Station  

Kim, Yun-Tae (국립방재연구소 토목연구사)
Shim, Jae-Hyun (국립방재연구소 토목연구관)
Chung, Jae-Hak (국립방재연구소 토목연구사)
Ahn, Jae-Chan (국립방재연구소 연구원)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation / v.4, no.3, 2004 , pp. 51-60 More about this Journal
Urban flood damage has been caused by drainage deficiency. One of the methods to solve this problem is to construct detention basin and Pumping station and to pump out the water to the river. However, because of rapid urbanization, the capacity of drainage pipelines is sometimes not sufficient enough during the rainy season. Therefore, even though we have enough pumping stations, the inflow of surface water never reaches to the detention area, causing floods in urban area. This research is to find improvement of urban drainage system, estimating drainage pipeline risk. Also, eight models for a computer program were developed for practical use. The models were verified changing precipitation duration, intensity, design period, time distribution model, and etc. This verification was processed focusing that the model can regulate the water level in the detention basin and minimize the effect downstream. As a result Fuzzy models were found to be efficient to lower the water level in detention basin, and decreased about 8 cm in water level of downstream.
Urbanization; Development project; Detention basin; Pumping station; Fuzzy control;
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  • Reference
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