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The Effects of Quality and Accessibility of Telehealth Service for Patient with Chronic Disease on Patient Satisfaction, Compliance, and Intention to Reuse  

Lee, Jae-Gook (Department of Emergency Medical Technology, Sun Moon University)
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Journal of health informatics and statistics / v.35, no.2, 2010 , pp. 151-178 More about this Journal
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the causal relationships among quality of care, accessibility, patient satisfaction, compliance, and intention to reuse of telehealth service in the rural underserved area. Methods: The subjects were patients who experienced telehealth services for chronic diseases (hypertension and/or diabetes) in 24 primary healthcare posts in Gangwon province. Data were collected by telephone survey questionnaire for 8 days from July 18th 2006 to July 25th from 172 hypertension patients. The causal relationships among variables were examined by structural equation modeling(SEM). Results: It was found that the quality and accessibility of telehealth service positively affects to patient satisfaction, compliance, and patient intention to reuse, and indirectly affects to patient intention to reuse through patient satisfaction. Patient satisfaction was revealed as a mediating variable from quality of the service and accessibility to intention to reuse. However, patients' compliance, influenced by quality of care and accessibility, does not affect patients' intention to reuse significantly. Conclusions: Telehealth service will contribute to enhancing management and care of chronic disease patients in the rural underserved areas. Therefore, the improvement of accessibility to qualified healthcare services through telehealth system will contribute to enhancing management and care of chronic disease patients in the underserved area.
Chronic disease; Telehealth; Quality of care; Accessibility; Patient satisfaction; Compliance; Intention to reuse;
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