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National Health Expenditure Account of Korea: Sources and Estimation Methods  

정영호 (한국보건사회연구원 보건경제팀)
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Health Policy and Management / v.12, no.1, 2002 , pp. 1-20 More about this Journal
National health expenditure account describes expenditure flows both public and private within the health sector. It describes the sources and uses and channels for all funds utilized in the health sector and is a basic requirement for optimal management of the allocation of health sector resources. Constructing a national health expenditure account should begin with sound estimates. This paper thoroughly examines the sources and discusses the estimation methods, and provides the national health expenditure account of Korea by function and source of funding category The national health expenditure account produced in this parer has, however, some drawbacks and followings are proposed fur enhancing the comprehensiveness and consistency of the account. First, comparable data un health related expenditures of local government and private sector should be produced because data sets on the sectors are very limited. Second, we need further study un overall scope and boundaries of health expenditure estimates in order to improve compatibility of other main aggregates.
national health expenditure account; national health expenditure; functional category; source of funding category;
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  • Reference
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