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Stress and Stress Management in Clinical Nurses Working from University Hospitals in Daejeon City  

윤현숙 (충남대학교 보건대학원)
조영채 (충남대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실)
Publication Information
This study is aimed at determining stress and the degree of stress coping among nurse as well as such general characteristics as daily life styles, duty, and socio-demographic characteristics of that group. 525 nurses, from four university hospitals in Daejeon city underwent a self-administered questionnaire during the 3-week period from July. 21 to August. 9, 2003. The questions focused on general characteristics including: socio-demographic and duty characteristics, daily life styles, and stress and methods of coping with stress. Based on the distribution of degree of stresses, 66.1% of the study subjects were at the potential risk of stress, with the high risk group constituting 30.3% and the normal group 3.6%. The stress and the degree of stress coping were shown to be affected by socio-demographic and job-related characteristics as well as daily life styles. The group at higher risk of stress was shown to have a lower degree of coping with stress, implying that a lower degree of coping with stress would in turn heighten the occurrence of stress. Therefore, it is required to develop an effective strategy that includes stress-reduction programs available in the field and prompting further build-up of comprehensive stress-management programs.
Stress; Stress management; Clinical Nurses;
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