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Types of Attitude toward Suicide in High School Students: A Q-Methodology Approach  

Choi, Hye-Jung (Department of Nursing, Hanzhong University)
Lee, Jong-Hwa (Kunsan College of Nursing)
Jung, Hae-Kung (Chung-Ang University Hospital, Nursing Team Manager)
Kwon, Sung-Bok (Department of Nursing, Dongshin University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing / v.25, no.2, 2011 , pp. 276-288 More about this Journal
Purpose: The rate of suicide is rising most rapidly among high school students. Teenage suicide is no longer just a personal problem. This study investigated and classified high school students concerning in South Korea with an aim of identifying suicidal ideation and types of teenage suicide. Method: A Q-methodology was used to identify factors in suicidal attitude of high school students. A Q-sample was collected from in-depth and objective interviews and literature reviews. A P-sample consisted of 37 high school students : selected Q-samples were sorted on a 9-point scale. Results: Three types of suicidal attitudes were evident among high school students : abomination(Type 1), understanding of the situation (type 2), and social responsibility(type 3). Conclusion: Precautionary measures against high school students suicide should be formulated according to the types of attitudes toward suicide in south Korea.
High school students; Suicide; Attitude;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 7  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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