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An Approximate DRAM Architecture for Energy-efficient Deep Learning  

Nguyen, Duy Thanh (Electronics, Kyunghee University)
Chang, Ik-Joon (Electronics, Kyunghee University)
Publication Information
Journal of Semiconductor Engineering / v.1, no.1, 2020 , pp. 31-37 More about this Journal
We present an approximate DRAM architecture for energy-efficient deep learning. Our key premise is that by bounding memory errors to non-critical information, we can significantly reduce DRAM refresh energy without compromising recognition accuracy of deep neural networks. To validate the key premise, we make extensive Monte-Carlo simulations for several well-known convolutional neural networks such as LeNet, ConvNet and AlexNet with the input of MINIST, CIFAR-10, and ImageNet, respectively. We assume that the highest-order 8-bits (in single precision) and 4-bits (in half precision) are protected from retention errors under the proposed architecture and then, randomly inject bit-errors to unprotected bits with various bit-error-rates. Here, recognition accuracies of the above convolutional neural networks are successfully maintained up to the 10-5-order bit-error-rate. We simulate DRAM energy during inference of the above convolutional neural networks, where the proposed architecture shows the possibility of considerable energy saving up to 10 ~ 37.5% of total DRAM energy.
DRAM; deep learning; energy efficiency; approximate computing;
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