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Analysis of the Influence of Job Satisfaction and the Performance-oriented Remuneration in Electric Power Companies on Trust in Manager: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Organizational Justice  

Leen, Jae-Mahn (Konkuk University Glocal Campus)
Publication Information
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship / v.16, no.5, 2021 , pp. 143-158 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to suggest a direction for enhancing the mutual trust level between employees and managers by examining the effect of job satisfaction of electric power companies's employees and performance-oriented remuneration paid to them on awareness level of organizational justice and a trust in manager. Based on a significant positive relationship between employee's job satisfaction and trust in a manager, a significant positive relationship between employee's job satisfaction and perception of organizational justice, and a positive relationship between organizational justice and trust in manager, it was possible to confirm the mediating role of organizational justice between job satisfaction and a trust in manager. In addition, although performance-oriented remuneration did not have a significant effect on trust in manager directly, it was found to have a significant negative effect on distributive justice and procedural justice, but for interactional justice did not appear to have a significant influence. Because the autonomy of the labor budget is quite limited due to the government's total regulation on the size of the labor budget for public enterprises and due to the government's evaluation of management of public enterprises, it can be explained as having a negative effect on the perception of organizational justice. In addition, since the partial mediating effect of distributive justice and interactional justice was confirmed in the relationship between job satisfaction and trust in manager, the mediating effect of procedural justice was insignificant, it was confirmed that the need to establish and operate an internal HR management system based on smooth communication that employees can satisfy and accept can have a significant impact on trust in manager. On the other hand, because the negative complete mediating effect of distributive justice and procedural justice between performance-oriented remuneration and trust in manager was significantly confirmed, It is showing that employees' negative perceptions of performance distribution procedures and distribution results had a negative effect on trust in manager. The results of this study suggest that employees will perceive the organization as fair, and trust the manager who is the decision maker, when they are fully rewarded for their performance, with job satisfaction, a fair evaluation of their efforts, even if there are various factors that can influence managers to be trusted by their employees.
Job Satisfaction; the Performance-oriented Remuneration; Organizational Justice(Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice, Interactional Justice); Trust in Manager;
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